of Native Schools in Brebes
Kris Hapsari
Brebes Regency
in the 1859’s
in the 1859’s period in Wordenboek van Nederlandsch Indie: Aardrijkskundig en
Statistich was described as a small land which was flat, and included in the administration
area of a municipal located in the west side of Tegal regency. On the north
side the region was next to Java Sea, on the west side it was next to Cirebon
and Banyumas. On the south was at the side of Tegal regency. This regency was
divided into five districts, namely: Losari, Brebes, Lebaksiu, Bumi Ayu and Salem.
The number of residents of the five districts was mentioned at about 93,000
economy wheel of this region was founded by some plantations, especially sugar
canes and tobaccos. There were two sugar canes’ factories in the area, namely
Jati Barang. It had about 400 square meters owned by Holmberg de Beckfeldt and
the other was located in Lemahabang owned by Hoevenaar. It had about 150 square
meters of sugar canes plantation. In 1861, the number of residents in Brebes
regency was about 29,765 people. Brebes regency was occupied by 2000 Javanese
ethnics and 100 Chinese ethnics.
School in Brebes
School – or a native school in Brebes was open in 1856 when the title of Brebes
regency was hold by Raden Adipati Arja Panata Joeda. He was appointed by the
Colonial government on May 14, 1850. There was no inclusive information for the
Dutch Hindi Government opened a native school in this regency. The report made by
the Resident after 3-year-period of the school operated. It was said that the
purpose of establishing the school was in order to educate native citizens to
be placed in the Dutch Hindi government agencies.
three years period, the Brebes Resident reported the school conditions and
development to Gouverneur Generaal. It was an interesting report for it gave
comprehensive information that the portrait of native school in Brebes from its
establishment until the age of three years conducted could be observed
evidently. As normally took place in all native schools during Dutch Hindi
period, all students came from specific environment.
Colonial government only permitted children from certain families to go to school;
they are the nobles and rich. Thus, students of ‘Inlandsche School’ in Brebes were
generally from the nobles or non government people and some others were from
the rich outside government bureaucracy.
The report mentioned that all students of ‘Inlandsche School’ are from inlandsche
ambtenaren families,
some children from rich family outside government, as well as children of headmen
in Brebes. The students’ ages in ‘Inlandsche School Brebes’ are varied. The
report described that the Brebes Resident mentioned the ages of students were
between 7 until 20 years old. There was no extraordinary development from it was
first started in 1856 until 1859. The number of students became lessen from
year to year, yet the Residents stated that there was no specific reason to
answer the problem. Apart from the decrease of students’ number, the education
quality of the school was reported appaling compared with similar schools in
Tegal and Pemalang.
educational quality of the school was based on the results of “examen” and
student’s progress reports.
Table 1
Comparison of
students’ number in three years in Native school
December Number of students
1859 39
1858 41
1857 46
(Source: ANRI: Tegal Archives Collection No.
184 B/4)
The curriculum of “Inlandsche
School” taught various fields of studies i.e.:
Javanese Language by non Java letters (mean latin letters) and Malay Language
by Latin letters
not only in Javanese but also Latin language
Javanese writings to Malay Language via versa.
Surveying and
of Java Island.
studies were lectured by teachers using study books in which all of them used
Javanese language. The title of the books were: Laijang etoeng bab pamoerwat
oetawa kang diarani Boeboekaning kawroeg etoeng (Basic Lesson of
Mathematics), Woewoelang Betjik (probably books of Behavour), Tjarios
anak-anak (Story telling for children), Lajang Wijakarana Djawa (Javanese
language lesson), Malayan books titled Kitab Pengajaran Bahasa Melayu (Books
of Malay Language lesson titled “Handbook of Malay Language), and Panduan
pemerintah untuk pengukuran tanah (Government Guide for Land Surveying) and Peta Pulau Jawa (Map of Java Island).
(Advanced) for Students
Examination was conducted under the authority of the Resident and controller/supervisor
of Landelijke Inkomsten en Kulturen. Those who were chosen as supervisors and organizers,
had responsibilities for the implementation of students’ examination. The results
performed by Inlandsche School Brebes showed that the school quality was not as
good as other native schools. The students’ ability was far beyond other
students since they fell behind by other native schools in Tegal and Pemalang.
The weakness or flaw of students at the Brebes Native School was according the
Resident’s analysis probably “because there were not any forms of education”. Consequently,
the Resident assumed that the best solution to raise the educational quality of
the native school was by sending teachers to extend their knowledge and
abilities through continuing education at Tegal school.
Teachers’ Salary
and School’s Situation
The government
affirmed to the headmaster that all teachers were not paid. On the other hand, they
were given scholarship to continue their education anywhere they wanted in Tegal.
The supervision
of Inlandsche School in Brebes is done by the Resident. The Resident almost every
day visited the school to observe closely school’s tuition taken as stated in
the Article (1) The Government Decision dated November 12, 1857 Number 29 and its
utilization was for the benefit of education. The government did not issue
subsidies for native schools. The funds were then used for paying necessary
Table 2
Details of Income
Year Amount
1858 f.1286
1859 f.559,25
Total f.
Table 3
Details of
Outcome Money
Types of Outcome Amount
Salary for each student to the
teacher (Apprentice teacher) f.144
Salary for school janitor f.36
The purchase amount of school
needs f.60
Total amounts f.240;
Balance in the end of 1859 f.1605,25
and infrastructure at Brebes Inlandsche School was very inadequate. It did not
have its own building, so the Resident gave a half part of the government
building to be used as classrooms. The condition of the room was narrow and
dusty. The school’s maintenance was not distributed to other people. Probably,
it was done by the janitor as mentioned in the table 3 that Inlandsche School
Brebes spend f.36 to pay the salary of school janitor.
number of students did not increase, nevertheless, the Resident assumed that
did not proof the native school feel apart. One important description of the
school’s quality was the Resident’s statement that, no student from Brebes
native school whose teachers were apprenticed obtained success in upgrading
their expertise and ability after graduating from the school.
alumni were placed in various offices to apprentice as ambtenar, in order to
develop their abilities. The office would take them in permanent status only if
they showed good works.
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