Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Menyunting naskah terjemahan Buku 40 Tahun ANRI (sudah terbit nih bukunya)

Chapter 3
Professional Development of Archival Human Resources

Man behind  gun is a popular expression illustrating that human play a very important role in a tool or system developed. For organizations or institutions, it will be hard to carry on their programs without having reinforcement from qualified human resources. However, human resources development program needs adequate time. It is not as easy as purchasing cutting-edge technologies that need only money.

Nevertheless, every organization and institution has programs for developing their human resources since they are the most important assets. Likewise, ANRI internally and externally keeps developing the quality of human resources. One of the efforts is training and education program intended to improve the competence of its staffs.

A. Human Resources Development in ANRI

As an archival institution, ANRI now employs 519 employees who support the national archives management. The composition of staffs is as follows: 109 structural officials, 206 functional positions, 204 staffs, and 43 probationary civil servants. Definite functional positions consist of 157 archivists, 20 functional positions for information and technology, 1 nurse, 1 librarian, 6 human resources analysts, 1 legal drafter, 1 translator, 6 auditors, 2 researchers, 3 functional positions for instructors, 3 planners. In 2011, more than a half of ANRI staffs are bachelors and masters. Of course, this composition is different from the era of the State Archives. The composition gives rise to ANRI to be able to achieve the objectives of the national archives management as it is mandated in the Law Number 43 year 2009 concerning Archives. 

The improvement quality of human resources in ANRI has been conducted since the end of 1960s when some of ANRI staffs studied on archives in Netherlands Archiefschool and took internship in Archief Nationaal. In 1982, ANRI established cooperation with the University of Indonesia for organizing formal education in the field of archives for Diploma 2 (D2) level. At the same year, ANRI also provided pre-service scholarship program for probationer staffs. In 1984, the Diploma level was enhanced into Diploma 3 (D3), and in 1998, the University of Indonesia opened a Master program in the field of archives.
Human resources development program did not only involve local universities, but also some overseas colleges. Since its establishment as a Non-Departmental Government Institution, there were many ANRI staffs continued their study in master and doctorate level in overseas schools such as Britain (University College London), Philippine (University of Philippines), Netherlands (Leiden University), and Australia (Monash University and University New South Wales).   
In addition to sending its staffs to study in overseas universities, ANRI also sent its staffs to some training programs for the purpose of improving the knowledge and skill of the staffs. They took part in much training and education programs in several countries such as in Canada, Switzerland, United States, Malaysia, India, Japan, and Singapore. The courses were varied such as record management, electronic records management system, conservation and book binding, and restoration of archives.

B.  The National Archival Human Resources Development

Human resources development program intended to provide highly competent and professional staffs in the field of archives, was not only conducted to the internal staffs of ANRI, but also to archival human resources in central and local institutions. The development of human resources on archives was conducted through archival training and tutoring. It was in 2003, ANRI has finally established its own Center for Training and Education on Archives, although the Center for Training and Education on Archives had become part of ANRI since 1974.
The professional human resources development conducted at ANRI’s Center for Education and Archival Training involved many kinds of programs such as training and tutoring for archivists, technical training on archives, training of Trainer for archives management in village areas, training on records management, training on records retention schedule, and training on archives management (for heads of archives institution and their archival unit), training on archives management, training on management of university archives, training for archivist assessors, training on archival supervision, training on archival human resources certification, training on the application of SIKN (the national system of archival information) and JIKN (the National Information Network of Archives), training on technology-based archives management, training on vital archives management, and training on archival information services. In addition to organizing integrated trainings that involved instructors from internal organization, ANRI also organized several trainings that involved instructors from other countries such as from Singapore, Australia, and Netherlands. ANRI has also organized long distance adjustment training for archivists since 2005.
In 2009, the Center for Education and Archival Training had successfully been awarded accreditation status B from the National Institute for Public Administration (LAN) as the government training institution. This center has been conducting functional training for skilled and proficient archivists. In 2011, it received accreditation certificate from LAN with B status for being capable to organize training on archives management, training on developing Records Retention Schedule, training on archival assessors, training on organization of archives and records centre, as well as training on vital records.

The requirement for having highly qualified human resources in archival management system has encouraged ANRI to establish the Training Center. ANRI, as a government institution, holds responsibility to conduct government policy. As an implementation of the commitment of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to support the development of Palestine, ANRI organized training and education program for Palestine’s archivists in 2009 and 2011. The Center for Education and Archival Training also organized efforts intended to improve the quality of archives management system. On May 2012, as a part of those efforts, the Center having a certification award of ISO 9001:2008.

C.  Archival Development
The archival development programs conducted by the Deputy of Archives Development were firstly organized in 1993 and in accordance with the Presidential Decree Number 92 concerning Position, Tasks, Functions, and Structure of Organization and Operating Procedures of the National Archives of Indonesia.
The archives development programs were getting improved when the Law Number 32 Year 2004 concerning Local Government was promulgated by the government. It was then followed up by the establishment of the Directorate of Central Government Archives and the Directorate of Local Government Archives. It was in accordance with the decree of the Director General of ANRI Number 03 Year 2006 concerning Organization and Operating Procedures of the National Archives of Indonesia.
By the promulgation of The Law Number 43 year 2009, the national archives development is not only conducted for archives preservation in central and regional offices, but also in public universities.  The archives development programs consisted of guidance, consultation, supervision, and evaluation on the implementation of archives system including facilities utilization, consultation service on organization of archives management system, records schedule, archival profession, and the development of the standard for the archivist evaluation. In addition, the development was also conducted in form of assessing and accrediting both the training and education programs and archives institutions in accordance with archives provisions.
Archival Unit I at Central Office of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara is one of the archival units that have been accredited by ANRI qualifying in accreditation category A. In order to improve human resources competency and professionalism, ANRI has certified many archival human resources. Since 1992, archivists are promulgated as a functional position for it is stated in the Government Decree Number 16 Year 1994 concerning Functional Position of Civil Servants and Presidential Decree Number 87 Year 1999 concerning Groups of Functional Positions of Civil Servants. The acknowledgement of this archival professionalism is not only for archivists at ANRI but also for those who work both at central and local government institutions. The Presidential Decree Number 42 Year 2012 concerning the Prolongation of Pension Age Limit for Civil Servants Positioned as Archivists stated that the limit of pension age for Medium and Principal Archivists turn into 60 years old.
One of the efforts intended to improve the quality of information services about the activities and program organized by village officials in rural area, ANRI launched a program named Archives Goes to Villages (AMD). The objectives of the AMD are: to facilitate rural government to provide services to its people and to raise the awareness of people in rural areas on the importance of archives. The program consisted of the following activities: archives socialization for archival institutions in provinces and Regencies level, development of manual for archives management in rural areas, development of application for archives management in rural area, training on archives and technical skill on archives for the secretary of rural government, technical guidance in archives management for the officials at rural, and the implementation of archives management system in the rural offices.
Archival development program is one of the pillars in the archives management system which is supported by human resources, facilities, infrastructures, and others resources. In order to maintain the implementation of the archival management system, ANRI provides a Mobile Service on Archives for public as one of the facilities intended to improve the understanding of people about archives and to raise their awareness on how important archives are for the nation. The mobile services also intended to introduce many archival programs to publics.

ANRI had delivered the Mobile Services unit to 33 provinces and 2 regencies from 2008 to 2010. The mobile units are equipped with supporting devices such as information and technology and materials for archives preservation and restoration. This is strategic since it can sustain the local government efforts in strengthening the implementation of archives management and fostering archives information services for people.

ANRI organized several national programs in order to appreciate and raise the awareness of archives creators and archives institutions towards archives management in accordance with the common principles and standards in archives management system. Those programs were: selection of the archivist of the year, selection of best archival unit in central office, selection of best archival unit in regional office, award for 10 women working in the field of archives, and award for archival staffs who showed high dedication to their job.

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