From Landarchief
Establishment Era
The history of archival institution in Indonesia was begun
on January 28, 1892 when the Ducth government establishedLandsarchief in Batavia. Governor General CornelisPijnackerHordijk
(1888-1893), a legal expert graduated from Leiden University, issued a decree concerningthe
establishment of the institution and also appointed Jacob Anne van der Chijs as
Landsarchivaris. Van der Chijs was known as the pioneer of Landsarchief and publisher ofRealia
and NederlandschIndishPlakaatboek1602-1811.
In the next development, Van der Chijs was succeeded by
Dr. F. de Haan as Landsarchivaris
from 1905 to 1922. Dr. F. de Haan published many works that usedthe 17th
and 18thcentury’sarchivesas the sources of information. His
monumental works were Dag-Register1678–1681
with its four series, De PreangerRegentschappenonder het NederlandschBestuur tot 1811, and Oud Batavia that
was published for celebrating the 300th anniversary of Jakarta. His
successor was E.C. Gode’eMolsbergen who was interested in historical research
about Indonesia, which usedarchives as historical sources. In 1925, Landsarchiefwas moved from
KoningspleinNoord Number 17 (now Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara) to Molenvliet
Number 111 (now Jalan Gajah MadaNumber 111), in the former house of Governor
General Reinier de Klerk. The last landsarchivaris
in the Dutch of East Indies era was Dr. FransRijndert Johan Verhoven, who led
the institution from 1937 to 1942.
The oldest archives preserved in Landsarchief were the archives of the VereenigdeOost-IndischeCompagnie
(VOC) that was established in 1602 and dissolved in 1799. The organization that
waspopularly known by people as Kompeni
poj\ssessed an Octroi rights to manage the trade and governmental activities in
the Dutch East Indies. The administration of VOC needed an archival management
system, and therefore it established Resolutiestelsel,
which classified all archives based on the following types: resolutiemissieven (letters of decision), bijlagen(appendix),
ingekomenstukken(incomingletters), ordres(letter of order), dagregister,
rapporten, memorie van overgave, adriezenand etc.
After the Dutch East Indies had officially been ruled
under the administration of the Dutch colonial government, the authority to
make all decisions was in the hands of the Governor General. Therefore, the
required hearing session to make a decision was no longer implemented. In order
to run the government, theGovernor General was assisted by an institution named
AlgemeeneSecretarie (State Secretariat), was the only source of power
with the authority to manage all governmental activities and decisions and
policies making as well. There were two secretary positions in the government: AlgemeeneSecretarisand
GouvernementsSecretaris. The arrangement of the archives of the Dutch
colonial governmentwasmanaged in accordance with this secretarial system.
In further development, the map of world power
had changed prior
to the initiation of the World War II. The
political turbulence in East Asia, featured by Japanese political expansion, had
impacted the archipelago in which Japan took over the archipelago into its occupation
area. In the era of Japaneseoccupation from 1942 to 1945, the name Landsarchiefwas
changed into Kobunsjokanand managed under Bunkyokyoku. And it was
in this era when archival activities in the archipelago were stagnant. All of the Dutch archival officials were
arrested by Japanesemilitary government. The archives and records
left from the Japanese occupation era were very view. In addition,
due to war and
short term of occupation, there was also a political reason that enforced
Japanese military government to limit documentation activities in the occupied
land, except the purpose of propaganda and mobilization of local people for
supporting their interest.
After Indonesia became an independence country, the government
established an institution named ArsipNegeri (State Archives) under the coordination
of the Ministry of Education, Teaching, and Culture (PP & K). In 1947, in
the time of political turbulences that caused by the intervention of foreign
nations on Indonesia, the State Archives controlled by the NICA (Netherland
Indies Civil Administration) like any other governmental institutions. Led by
Dr. Hubertus J. van Mook, NICA had an intention to establish a commonwealth
state under the leadership of Dutch Queen, Wilhelmina, which included the
Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies as the members.
Political turbulences were still continuing in the young
nation, Indonesia. Political situation and physical conflicts brought Indonesia
and the Netherlands into negotiations. In a meeting held in the Hague, from
August 23 to November 2, 1949, widely known as the Round-table conference, both
countries agreed that the Netherlands acknowledged the sovereignty of the
Republic of the United States of Indonesia (RIS) and the case of West Papua
would be discussed in a year after this acknowledgment. As the consequence, all
state institutions were returned to the administration of the government of RIS.
In the period of 1945-1947, the Landsarchief was assigned back to the coordination
of the Ministry of Education, Teaching, and Culture (PP & K). This
assignment was based on the Decree of the Prime Minister of RIS Number
41/PM/A.S/1950, February 17, 1950. However, this decree was implementeda month later, March 1, 1950. Meanwhile, all
of the administrative and organizational regulations referred to the
instruction of AlgemeneSecretarie Number 12459 Year 1930 with amendment
on it.
When taking over the Landsarchief,
the RIS government maintained itsoriginal concept as the ArsipNegeri (State
Archives) ofRIS. The purpose was that archivesof the central government could be transferred
to the ArsipNegeriof RIS. Nevertheless, the name ArsipNegeridid not last for
long. Two months after the issuing of the Decree of the Prime Minister, the
Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture (PP&K) issued a decree Number
9052/B on April 26, 1950 concerningthe changing of archives institution name from the ArsipNegeri
to the Arsip Negaraof the RIS that waslater used until 1959.
The federal system of RIS finally ended
on August 17,
1950. After that, Indonesiaused a republic system that based on the Provisional
Constitution 1950 (UUDS 1950). Due to the temporary nature of the constitution,
a constituent agency was established with the main responsibility to develop a
new constitution. However, until 1959, the new constitution could not be able
to develop; therefore, the President issued a decree on July 5, 1959 which
determined that Indonesia returned to the implementation of the UUD 1945 and
used it as the main constitution of the state.
The condition of archives that were preserved in Arsip
Negaragot better after Indonesia returned to the republic system in 1950. A
year later, there was a changing on the institutional status of Arsip Negara.
The Minister of Education, Teaching, and Culture (PP&K), BahderDjohan,
issued a decree Number 4223/Kab on February 15, 1951 which determined that Arsip
Negara was managed under the Department of Historical Documentation of the
Directorate of Culture of the Ministry of Education, Teaching, and Culture
(PP&K). This alteration made the position of Arsip Negara,which formerly a high-rank government institution,
turned into only a subordinatein a ministry. Therefore, it
was difficult for Arsip Negara to collect archives and documents from other government
institutions outside the ministry.
Although the status of Arsip Negara was only asubordinate
of a ministry, for the first time
since its establishment, an Indonesian figure was assigned to lead the institution.
In 1951, the Minister of Education, Teaching, and Culture (PP&K) appointed
a high rank officialof the ministry to lead ArsipNegara until 1957; he was
Prof. R. Soekanto. In his leadership era, the main task ofArsip Negara was only
to restore the condition of archives from the period before 1942. This task
was carried out in the middle of political problems which occurred in Indonesia
and the efforts to regain the sovereignty. On the other hand, the quality of
human resources was unable to support the archivalactivitieswhich were more than restoring the archives. Moreover,
the conservation of archiveswas considered more important. Therefore, there was
no alterationin the status of Arsip Negara as an institution.
In the next stage, there wasanotheralterationin the institutional status of
Arsip Negara. According to the Decree of the Minister of Education, Teaching,
and Culture (PP&K) Number 130433/5, December24, 1957, Arsip Negara was managed
under the Historical Agency of the Ministry. Since then, the nameKepalaArsip
Negara(Head of the State Archives) was introduced and implemented. This change happened in the leadership
era of Drs. Mohammad Ali, a well-known historian in Indonesia, who held the
position as KepalaArsip Negarafor about 13 years; from 1957 to 1970 with
different titles of the position. From 1957 to 1959, he called his position as
the KepalaArsip Negara (Head of Arsip Negara); from 1959 to 1961, he called his
position as KepalaArsipNasional (Head of ArsipNasional); and from 1961 to 1970,
he called his position as KepalaArsipNasionalRepublik Indonesia (Director
General of ArsipNasionalRepublik
In 1957, the name of the institution was still Arsip
Negara. However, since June 1, 1959, the name of the institution was changed
into ArsipNasional(National Archives). It was based on the Decree of the Minister
of Education, Teaching, and Culture (PP&K) Number 69626/a/s. The retroactivity
of this decree was effectivesince January 1st, 1959. It implied that
ArsipNasionalhad a direct responsibility to the Minister of Education,
Teaching, and Culture (PP&K). It assumed that the tasks and
responsibilities of ArsipNasional were as follows: (a) functioning as an archival
organizationin Indonesia, and (b) preserving archives from government and
private institutions, and also archives from non-government institutions that possessed
historical values.
This change affirmedthe expansion ofthe site workof
ArsipNasional. It did not onlypreserve old archives from government and private
institutions, but also assign a special responsibility to study the problems in
the archives and their possibilities. This responsibility related to the facts
that; (a) there was a bias about the function of archives, especially in
relation with the governmental activities; (b) there were many administrative
and archival activitiesin the ministriesthat specifically required an efficient
archival organization; (c) ArsipNasionalinvolved in supporting the
administration and archival problems in variousministries; and (d)The decree of the Ministry of
PP&K No. 4223/Kab, on February15,1951narrowed function of ArsipNasional,though it
involved in the
archival activities in many ministries.
According to the officials of ArsipNasional,
it was difficult
for the institution to determine its identity whenit was still managed under a
ministry. On May 16, 1961, according to the Decree of the President of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 215,ArsipNasional was transferred to the management
of the First Ministry of Indonesia. Bythis new status, all archival activities, including authorities,
tasks and responsibilities, infrastructuresand personnel, financial rights, and
others, were also changed. Along with this, there was alsoorganizationalrestructuration
which was followed up by the issuing of its legal foundation, the Decree of the
First Ministry of Indonesia Number 406/MP/1961, 19 October 1961,about the Regulationof
the Administration of ArsipNasional. In the new structure, ArsipNasionalwas led
by a director who was assisted by three deputies: the Deputy for Technical
Aspects and Archival Studies Implementation; the Deputy of Scientific Research,
Library and Archives Supervision; and the Deputy for General Archival Affairs
and Administration. However, this new structure was insufficient to ensure the
effectiveness and efficiency of the archival activities in accordance with the
administration ofArsipNasional; as it was required by the Decree of the
Minister of Education, Teaching, and Culture (PP&K) No. 6926/a/s and
In the end of 1961, there was an effort which intended to improvethe
organization of ArsipNasional by extendingits roles, tasks, and functions. It
was based onthe Presidential Decree Number 19, December 26,1961 concerningthe Main Principles of the
National Archives. These new roles, tasks, and functions covered not only archives
management, but also records management. This changingexpanded the meaning of
archives/records as an instrument that was directly used in planning,
administering, and controlling the life of the nation in general. In other
words, archives/records were directly used in the administration process of the
In addition, ArsipNasional also carried a responsibility
to developthe archival activities in the nationallevel both for system and
human resources aspects. These archival activities consisted of (a) archives
management regulation; (b) education for regeneration of archival experts; (c) control and supervision;
(d) determining the standardof archival infrastructures; and (e) conducting
scientific research in the field of archives.
According to the same regulation, the Director
Generalof ArsipNasionaldeveloped
an improvement plan for (a) managing the organization of ArsipNasionaland all
archival units in government institutions; (b) determining the rights on government archives,records schedule, norms for archives
selection, and alsorule of conservation, preservation, and utilization of
archives, and etc; (c) developing the records management, and also managing the
security and confidentiality of archives, and determining the status,
functions, tasks, and authority ofArsipNasional. However, all those plans could
not be implemented until the end of the leadership era of R. Moh. Ali. This was
due to the status of ArsipNasionalwhich was only an institution that worked
under a ministry, according to the Presidential Decree Number 16/1961; so ithad
no enough power to conduct all the tasks and responsibilities.
However, the political situation after the issuing of the
Presidential Decree on July 5, 1959 developed dynamically. Indonesia entereda
period that was called the era of Guided Democracy. An interesting feature of
the era was the changing in the cabinet compositions in which more than one
cabinet existed. These cabinets werethe Working Cabinets I-IV and the Dwikora
Cabinets I-III. Evenmore, the Dwikora Cabinet II was only working for a month
from February 24, 1966 to March 28, 1966. This change also impacted the
position where ArsipNasional was being managed.
In the era of the Working Cabinet III, ArsipNasional was
managed under the First Minister in which operationally managed under the
administration of the Vice Minister for Special Cases. In 1962, the President
of Indonesia issued a Presidential Decree Number 188 which determined that ArsipNasional
should be managed under the administration of the Deputy of the First Minister
for Special Cases.The purpose was to raise more attention onthe
institution because the Vice Minister for Special case assumed responsibility
for conducting historical research.
During1963-1966, in the era of the Working Cabinet IV, the
Dwikora Cabinet I and the Dwikora Cabinet II, when the position of the Vice ofFirst
Minister was changed into the Minister of Compartment with some specific
responsibilities, ArsipNasional was managed under the Compartment of Public
Affairs (Hubra). In implementing the responsibilities of ArsipNasional, and the
consideration of the task coverage of the ministerial, the Minister of Hubra,
Dr. RoeslanAbdulgani, issued a Decree No. 99/IK-PR/U.P./KPT/1964 on June 9,
1964, which determined that daily tasks of institution that were not headed by
a minister such as National Archives, National Movie Council, the Institution
for Developingthe Unity of Nation (LPKB), were delegated to the Secretary of
the Minister of Compartment of Public Affairs. This delegation was intended to
provide guidance and manuals for the smoothness, uniformity, and synchronous of
all daily activities of the institutions under the Ministry of Compartment.
However, this change did not give impact on the tasks and functionsof the ArsipNasional
as it was determined on the Presidential Decree No. 19/1961.
C. .... Stage
In 1966, when the Cabinet Ampera was established with its head
of presidium, Lieutenant General Soeharto, ArsipNasional was returned to its previous managing
institution – it was under the administration of the First Minister on
Political Affairs. Previously, according to the Decree of the Deputy of Prime
Minister No. 08/WPM/BLLP/KPT/1966, ArsipNasional was managed under the Deputy
of Prime Minister for Political Institutions.
Thereafter, Indonesia entered a new era with the
inauguration of Soeharto as the president and the leader of the nation. Stabilization
efforts were conducted in order to ensure the continuation of economic
development. This development impacted on the institutional status of ArsipNasional.
According to the Presidential Decree No. 228/1967, December
2, 1967, the
status of ArsipNasional
was a non-departmental government institution (LPND) which
responsible directly to the President. Therefore, the budgeting for this institution was included in the
state budget. The determination of the ArsipNasionalas a non-departmental
government institution did not contradict with the Constitution 1945 (UUD 45);
indeed it was an improvement done by the Cabinet Presidium as it was determined
on the Decree of the Temporary Parliament Chairman No. A.9/1/24/MPRS/1967.
However, the change of institutional status ofArsipNasional
stillcould not be follow up by the changing on the tasks and functions of the
organization, becausethe organizational structure was still referring to the
previous regulation. However, organically, ArsipNasional did not have yet a
power to carry out all the tasks and responsibilities as determined on the
decrees. Its organization structure was still based on the old structure
according to the Presidential Decree No. 19/1961 concerning the Main Principles of the
National Archives. Therefore, in 1968, ArsipNasionaldeveloped a proposal for
managing the organization that consisted of the following two main points: (a)
a plan to change the name of the institution from ArsipNasionalto ArsipNasionalRepublik
Indonesia (National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia); and (b) a proposal
to amend the Presidential Decree Number 19/1961 into theLaw for Archives.
The Presidential Decree Number 19/1961 had to be changed
in order to fill the gap between the policy in archives and facts. Although the article 4 of the
decree determined that the ArsipNasionalassumed a responsibility to manage archives
and records, in reality, the recordsmanagement in governmentlinstitutions was
still under the administration of each institution. As the consequence, ArsipNasionalwas
only responsibleto
manage archives and had no authority to access and preserve records. By considering
the position of the State Secretariat which administratively possesses the
authority, ArsipNasionaldecided to submit a proposal for changing its
organizational status, form and new archives reponsibility including
records management.
Therefore, since 1968, ArsipNasional had actively and
intensively conducted an effort to change the organization of the archival institution.
In 1969, prior to the end of the administration era of Drs. R. Moh. Ali, and
along with the spirit of the New Order Regime to implement Pancasila and the
1945 Constitution purely and consequently, the Government issued the Law Number
5 Year 1969 about the Determination of Presidential Decrees as a Law, including
the Decree Number 19/1961. The promulgation of the Law Number 5/1969 had
provided a legal foundation for ArsipNasionalto support the promulgation of the
Law of Archivesand the organizational structure of the institution.Consequently,the officials of ArsipNasionalintensively
prepared the refinement of the Presidential Decree No. 19/1961 in order to amend into a Law.However, until the
end of the administration of Drs. R. Moh. Ali, who retired in 1970, the Law
could not have been successfully promulgated.
Drs. R. Moh. Ali was suceededby Dra. Soemartini,the first
woman,wholead ArsipNasional. She was bothhistorian and archivist. She held
the longest period of leading ArsipNasional; for about 19 years. Her first huge
task to be carried out immediately was to continueher predecessor effort forpromulgatinga
Law of Archives that had becomethe main effort of the institution since the leadership
eraof Drs. R. Moh. Ali.
The need to have an
archival lawwas supported by the State Secretary, Sudharmono, S.H.On May 18,
1971, the Law Number 7 Year 1971 was issued; and the date was then celebrated
as the National Archives Day. This promulgation was said to be the historical
feature of the national archives in Indonesia. The promulgation of the law had
given ArsipNasional a wider rolein the archives and records management. ArsipNasionalwas
able to improve its system, human resources, institution, and facilities. The Law No. 7/1971 also determined that ArsipNasionalwas
the main archival organization/institution in Indonesia. It was further
determined in the Presidential Decree No. 26 Year 1974 that the name of the ArsipNasionalwas
changed into ArsipNasionalRepublik Indonesia (ANRI) that located in the Capitol
of Indonesia and assumed direct responsibility to President.
As the mainarchival institution in Indonesia, ANRIcontinued
to extend its fieldof works and refining its administration system in
accordance to the Law Number 7/1971. Following up the mandate of the law, ANRIrecruitedthe
non-archivalstaffsfrom other state institutions, especially from the State
Secretariat, in order to solve the problem of limited human resources. The
recruitment ofstaff from external institutionwas effective for supporting the
development of the institution. In the beginning of 1974, thanks to the
initiative of the secretary of ArsipNasional, Drs. Sukartono, the institution
developed an organizational structure that became the guideline for the
implementation of tasks and responsibilities of the institution. This
organization structurewas later legalized by the Presidential Decree Number 26
Year 1974. With the decree in hand, in term of juridical, ANRI has become
Non-Departmental Government Institution (LPND) and bore responsibility to
President. The new organizational structure replaced the old one which was
legalized through the Decree of the First Minister Number 406/MP/1961. Since
1974, according to the Decree Number 26 Year 1974, the ANRIwas responsible to
maintain the archival management and its development in Indonesia.
This new structure with its new assigned tasks was
intended to ensure the preservationof archives as national responsibility and historical
evidences. In order to carry out the tasks,ANRI assumed the following functions:
(a) conducting scientific researches that were intended to improve the developmentofarchivalmanagement
in the national level; (b) developing the records management; (c) improving the
quality of human resources in the field of archival management through training
and education program; (d) preservingarchives that were delivered by state
institutions, governmental institutions, and others; (e) preserving archives
from private institutions and individuals for thelife of the nation that had
important meanings and values as national responsibility and historical
evidences; (f) arrangingand managing archives that were given to be providedand
utilized for supporting government activities, researches, and public concerns;
(g) conducting many cooperationswith local and foreign institutions in
accordance with the guidelines from government through its law and regulations.
In order to implement the Law Number 7 Year 1971 and the
Presidential Decree Number 6 Year 1974, the Director Generalof ANRI issued a Decree
No. A6/1/1Year 1976 about the Organizational Structure and Administration of ANRI.
The decree determined that the mandate of the Law No. 7 Year 1971 would be
carried out by three centers; they were the Center for Research and Development,
the Center for Training and Education, and the Center forArchives Conservation.
The Center for Research and Development assumed a
responsibility to conduct researches in order to develop and improve the
archival techniques and management, to provide guidance and technical supervision
on the process of archival management, and the implementation of archival laws
and regulations both in archives and records management. The Center for
Training and Education assumed responsibility to plan and conduct education and
training for human resourcesand archival experts, and to coordinate all
activities in the field of archival training. The Center forArchives Conservation
assumed responsibility to preserve, maintain, arrange, and manage archives that
were transferred to ANRI and to conduct researches for improving the quality of
information service and serving public, who need archives for doing scientific
and general research. In addition, the Center forArchives Conservation was also
assumed tasks and functions to enhance the archives collection including audio visual records
and oral history.
The policy to improve the main functions and tasks of ANRI
was implemented in eraof Dr. NoerhadiMagetsari who ledthe institution since
January 1991. In his era, there was a change in the organizational structure of
ANRI that was in accordance to the Presidential Decree of the Republic of
Indonesia No. 92 Year 1993 about the Position, Tasks, Functions, Organizational
Structure, and Administration of ANRI. The main features of this new
organizational structure were that there were new officials such as the Deputy
for Archives Developmentand the Deputy for Archives Administration. In addition, there was also
an establishment of Technical Implementation Unit (UPT). In this era, the name
of the representatives of ANRI in provincial level was changed into Regional
National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI Wilayah). This decree also
determined the use of abbreviation of ANRI which stood for ArsipNasionalRepublikIndonesia
(National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia). The development of
organizational structure and the additional tasks and functions of ANRI
required more attention and usageon the human resources extensively in order to
achieve the target of the institution
The growth and developmentoccurred in the world nowadays. The
development of information and communication technology had transformed the way of people on doing
things. This development also forced ANRI to make a change.The change that ANRI
has done include revisingthe Law Number 7 year 1971 with the Law Number 43 year
2009 about Archives. The new law
determined that archives were recorded information of activities and events in
any form and medium in accordance withthedevelopment of information and communication
technology that were created and accepted by government institutions, local
governments, education institutions, private institutions, political
organizations, massorganizations and individuals in the context of life of
people, nation, and state.
As a Non-Ministerial Government Institution (LPNK), ANRI
assumes responsibility onthe archival activities in the national level, whichincludes
policy making, archival development, andarchives and recordsmanagement. ANRI
has responsibility in managing archivesin a national scale that came from
government institutions, local governments, education institutions, private
institutions, political organizations, mass organizations and individuals.
The change that took place also impacted on the organizational
structure of ANRI. This wasa respond of ANRI to the dynamic changing that happened
in Indonesia. The changing on the state administration from centralization to
decentralization that was known as regional autonomy madethe ANRI’sregional offices no
longer active. And so were the working units in ANRI that had been changed into
the Section for Public Services. In addition, there were also some working
units that had been enhanced their status such as the Department of Information
and Archival System Development which was previously just a working unit.
The long historical journey of archives in Indonesia has been becoming the
witness of the dynamics journey of the nation. In 1982, Landsarchief was
established with Jacob Anne van der Chijs who sit as the director general and
his first tasks were pioneering and managing of the new institution. Compared
to E.C. Goode Molsbergen who led the institution for about three years, van der
Chijs led the institution for a quite long period, 13 years. The archivesof VOC
that are preserved in ANRI today are oneof the works of archivists in
Landsarchief era. In its short period of occupation in Indonesia, the Japanese
also paid attention to archives. Japan military government that occupiedthe
archipelago from 1942 to 1945 also established Kobunsjokanwhich was intended to
replace Landsarchief.
In independent era of Indonesia, the name of the
institution was being changed into Arsip Negara. In the leadership era of Prof.
R. Soekanto (1951-1957), efforts intended to preserve and manage archives were
organized. When Drs. R.Mohammad Ali became the director general, it was
perceived that a more adequate archival institution was needed for preserving
and managing archives. Therefore, efforts intended to improve the role and
status of Arsip Negara were organized. It was in this era when the name of Arsip
Negarawas changed into ArsipNasionaland later being changed again into the ArsipNasionalRepublik
Indonesia. It did not only change the name, but also the status of the
institution was no longer only a part of a state ministry.
The institutional reorganization efforts were continued in
the era ofDraSoemartini, who became the director general of ANRI for a quite
long period. In addition, her leadership era had successfully realized the enactment
of Lawof Archives, an initiative that had been actively pursued since her
predecessor, Drs. R. Mohammad Ali. The Law of Archives had finally enacted in
the leadership era of DraSoemartini in 1971 which was then followed up by the
determination of ANRI institutional status as a Non-Departmental Government
Institution (LPND). After obtaining new institutional status and roles as a
Non-Departmental Government Institution (LPND), ANRI improved its quality of
human resources. When Prof. Dr. NoerhadiMagetsarisat as the director general,
ANRI organized efforts for improving the quality of human resources and
starting to manage records.
In further development, after successfully reorganizing
its institution and improving its quality of human resources, the next step
that ANRI took was trying to utilize the archives. The utilization of archiveswas
developed by Dr. MoekhlisPaeni who led ANRI from 1998 to 2003. In the context
of life as a state and nation, Dr. MoekhlisPaenideclaredthe vision of archives
as a tie that unites the nation. Archival development efforts were continued by
the next Director General of ANRI, Drs. Oman Sjachroni, who developed the
National Archival System that was based on information technology and
communication, which was konwn asSiPATI (Archival Management Systembased on Information
and CommunicationTechnology).
The development of archival management system was
continued in the leadership era of Drs. JokoUtomo, M.A. In institutional
aspect, Drs. JokoUtomo, M.A., organized efforts intended to improve the image
of the institution and encourage the enactment of Law Number 43 year 2009 of
Archives. In addition, his administration also organized some international
cooperation with foreign institutions. This initiative was continued by the next
director general of ANRI, H.M. Asichin, S.H., M.Hum., who organized cooperation
not only with local institutions, but also with foreignarchival institutions.
Moreover, his leadership era has successfully established the Center for Tsunami
Archives in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. In order to implement the Law Number 43
year 2009 about Archives, government issued a Government Regulation Number 28
Year 2012 that clarified the functions and roles of ANRI. In accordance to the
regulation, facilitation efforts intended to develop archivist in government
institutions military and police institutions, state owned enterprises, and
universities were organized.
As a government institution, ANRi already receives awards
for arranging and presenting the financial report of the organization in a
highest standard on accounting and financial report in four times in a row
since 2008 until 2011.
The world of archives in Indonesia had gone through a long
journey. A journey that was not always smooth. It has gone through up and down
processes. However, ANRI maintains its functions and responsibility in
preserving the collective memory of nation. ANRI has gone hand-in-hand with the
history of the nation in realizing the purposes and ideas of independency.
Hardships and difficulties are not the reasons to halt the steps: once we step
ahead, we would never look back.....
Bab 2
Preserving and Utilizingthe
Collective Memory of Nation
Archives are the most valuable asset which possesed by the
state. Archives are a national heritage which was transferredfrom generation to
generation that needs to be preserved and conserved. “The civilization level of
a nation can be measured from the way how they preserve and conservetheirarchives,”
said Sir Arthur G. Dougherty (1924). The importance of archives as an indicator
of civilization of a nation depends on the way how they are used. Archives can
only be used if they are well-managed. The historical journey of a nation that
was authentic, reliable, coherent, and accountable be seen from the archives.
Archivespossess ahistorical value and contain the collective
memory and identity of a nation. Archives as a collective memory of the nation
hold sociological and psychological meanings that refer on ideas and believes
which assist the people to create solidarity and social communication that come
from the individual and organizational collective memory in order to build the
character and indentity of the nation. History is a need because it helps
people to understand present time and develop a better plan for the future. We
reflect on the past in order to understand the present time in order to create
a better future.
ANRI, as a national archival institution, assumes
responsibility to perform the archives management in national level, as it is
determined in Article 19 verse (2) the Law Number 43 year 2009. Archivespreserved
by ANRIwere collected from states institutions, private institution, political
organizations, massorganizations, and individuals. The managementof archives is
aimed to guaranteethe security of archives as the evidences ofthe national responsibilityfor
the life of people, nation, and state.
ANRI has been conserving and preserving archives from the
era of VOC in 1602 to present time. Therefore, ANRI has done archivesmanagement
including acquisition, arrangement, preservation, and utilization of archives. Thus,
the collective memory of the nation is well-preserved and able to be utilized.
A. Archive
In the history of archives in Indonesia, the legal
foundation for archival activities was issued in 1971 when the Law Number 7
year1971 was being promulgated. However, ANRI already conductedthe archive acquisition
in order to guarantee the security of archives as national responsibility evidences
for the life of the nation and state since long before the promulgation of the
law. However, theunit that was in charge on thearchives acquisitonwas
established only after the issuing of Presidential Decree Number 26 year 1974
and the Decree of the Director General of ANRI Number A6/1/2 year 1976 about
the Organizational Structures and Working Procedures of ANRI. In further
development, ANRI established the Center for Archives Conservation that
subordinating the Section for the Developmentof Archives Collection that carrieda
responsibility to expand the archives collection in various forms. Today, the
acquisition program is a task and function of a directorate under the Deputy of
In the acquisition process, archives that aretransferred
to ANRI must go through an appraisal process that based ontheir function,
content of information, and intrinsic values. This process isintended to
guarantee the securityof archives that containevidencesfor the nationalresponsibiltyand
insititutionaccountabilitythat requiredto be categorized as important archiveswhich
are going to be preserved at ANRI. The result of this appraisal process is a
recommendation to ANRI about archives whether theyneed to be preserved or disposed.
The archivesacquisition can be carried out in two ways: first,
ANRI receives archives from government/state institutions, private
institutions, political organizations, massorganizations, and individuals. Second,
ANRI proactively secures and conservesarchives that contain national responsibility
values for the life of people, nation, and state.
One of the efforts
in the archives conservation program was the preservation of archivesof the
election in 2009. Itsimplementaionisbased on theMemorandum of Understanding (MoU)
between ANRI and the Election Commission Number 05/KB/KPU/2009 and Number
KN.00/03/2009, which was then followed up by a joint circular letter of ANRI
and KPU Number K03/KB/KPU/Year 2010dan Number 04 Year 2010. In 2010, ANRI has
preserved archivesof the election in 2009 for the National Election Commission
and in seven Provincial Election Commissions.
The Directorate of Acquisition not only secures the
archives, butalso provides consultation and consideration on thetransfer and
disposal of archives. In addition, the Directorate of Acquisition also conducts
the oral history program in order to fill the historical gap that lies on the archives
that are preserved in ANRI. Some of the interview
themes of these oral history programsare about the tracking of Super Semar(Order
of March Eleven) archives, the return of Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (the Free Aceh
Movement) to Indonesia, and the tracking
of Surinamesecommunity who returned to Indonesia. The efforts to search on
important archives is basically an implementation of the mandate of the article
1 (31) the Law Number 43 Year 2009. ANRI developed aDaftarPencarianArsip(List
of Wanted Archives)that contains a list of archives which havehistorical
values. Those archivesare searched by the archival institutions and published
to public.
B. ArchivesManagement
The purpose of archivesmanagementis to ensure that archives
preserved inANRI are being organized and ordered in accordance to the archival
principles and to provide access for users via access tools. This is the
function of the Department of ArchivesManagementwhich was established after the
issuing of the Presidential Decree Number 26 year 1974 and the decree of the
Director General of ANRI Number A6/1/2 year 1976 about the Organizational
Structures and Working Procedures of ANRI. At that time, ANRI has already established
the Center for Archives Conservation with its Section of ArchivesManagementand
Inventorization. Today, the archives managementactivities are the
responsibility of the Directorate of Archives Management under the Deputy of
Archives Conservation.
In managingarchives, ANRI works in accordance to the archival
principles. There are three access tools used in the process; they are archival
archives guides, archives lists, and archives inventories. Archives guides are
anaccesstool that containsinformation about archive collections. Archives Lists
are an access tool that containsat least information about archives
descriptions. And inventoriesare an access tool that contains detailed
information from the archives listswhich completed with the description about
the historical background of the archives creators, the history of archives
management, and index. Thisarchives management is conducted in accordance to
the principles of original order and provenance.
In the history of archives in Indonesia, the first archives
inventory that ever made was Inventaris van’s Landsarchiefte Batavia 1902–1816,
created by J.A. van der Chijs and published in 1882. ANRI also published some archives
inventories. Some of them arecategorizedbased on the area (residentiearchieven)
such as Banda, Buitenland, Gorontalo, Lampung, Borneo, Palembang, and, ResidentieArchieven“PasarIkan”. Otherinventoriesare
grouped based on the archives creators such as AlgemeeneSecretarie and Plantation
In order to provide an excellent service for public that
is also a part of bureaucratic reform in Indonesia, ANRI keeps trying to
improve theirservice quality. On Novmber2012, the archives management and
preservation of ANRI received ISO 9001:2008 certificate. Through this
standardized management system, the quality of archivesmanagement and
preservationcan be improved and more the number of archives users can be
C. Archives Preservation
Archives that possess national responsibility values are
assetfor the memory of a nation. A historian, AbdurrachmanSurjomihardo
emphasize the importance of archives based on the events that occured in
revolution period, from October to December 1945 whenthe Dutch tried to interfere
on the independency of the Republic of Indonesia. At that time,the Dutchtried
to intervenethe independency of the Republic of Indonesia not only through areal
occupations and military forces, but also through the confiscation of
archivesthat belong to the government of the Republic of Indonesia. Gradually, the
Dutch brought the archives to their homeland and kept them in the National
Archives of the Kingdom in The Hague.
From the information taken from those archives, the Dutch could analyze
the strength of the Republic of Indonesia. It depicted how important archives were
for a nation.Therefore, it is very important for an archival institution to
preserve archives that possess the national responsibility values. The archives
preservation activities are intendedto ensure the securityand conservation of these
The archives preservation has become one of the working
units in ANRI as it was determined in the Presidential Decree Number 26 year
1974 and the decree of the Director General of ANRI Number A6/1/2 year 1976
about the Organizational Structures and WorkingProcedures of ANRI. The
preservation is conducted by the Department of Archives Preservation and Arrangementand
the Department of Maintenance and Conservation which both under the Center for
Archives Conservation. Today, the archives preservation activities are the
responsibility of the Directorate of Preservation under the Deputy of Archives
Although paper is not the only medium of archives,
generally, they are created in this kind ofmedium. Naturally, paper-based
archives are easily rotten if they are stored for a long period of time because
paper is made of organic materials that can easily decay in time. And so are
the audiovisual archives that can easily being damagedbecause they are made of
unstable materials. Therefore, in order to protect the archives from various
destructive factors both internally and externally; preservation actions are
needed that include preventive and curative actions as it is mandated in the
law and in accordance to the archival principles.
There are some efforts conducted to preserve archives. First,
the restoration of the conventional (paper-based) archives, which includes: (1)
encapsulation, it is a method to protect archives from physical damages;
archives are covered with polyester plastic in both sides and sealed it with
double-tape; (2) lamination, arestorationmethod by covering/sealing/patching a
slice of paper with strengthening materials (Kozo tissue paper). The methods
used in this process are as follows: hand lamination and machine lamination;
and (3) leaf casting, a restoration method by patching or filling the missing
parts or holes on the archives with pulp.
Second, therestoration of audiovisual archives which consisted of restoration
of films and microfilms by rewashing method, restoration of video archives by
re-cleaning method, restoration of audio-cassette archives by re-cleaning-rewind
method, and restoration negative photoarchives by re-cleaning and rewashing
Third, archives reproduction is one of the preservation efforts
intended to safethe information contained in the archives and make it usable
for a long period of time. Archives reproduction is aimed tomaintain the physical
strength of archives without damagingthe content of information. Therefore,
without using the original archives (especially the paper-based archives that
are very fragile), the users can still have access to the same information as
contained in the original versions. The archives reproduction can be done by
duplicating the archives using electronic devices such as the archives
reproduction that usemicrofilm or microfiche, and digitalization. Archives
digitalization is an effort intended to conserve archivesin accordance with the
developmentof information and communication technology which a changeofform of
conventional (paper-based) into electronic archives. In preservation
activities, ANRI collaborates with a Dutch non-governmental institution namely
the Corts Foundation. The objective of the collaboration is to increase the
activity in documenting, preserving, digitalizing, and publishing archives from
the 17th to 19th centuries. The collaborative works were
focused on archive digitalization ofVOC archives were preserved in ANRI.
In order to optimize the archives preservation program,
ANRI established a laboratory that is managed by the Directorate of Archives Preservation.
The laboratory is responsible to test the quality of facilities for archives
preservation, archives that need to be preserved or reproduced, preservation
materials, archives restoration and reproduction, and restoration and
reproduction results. In addition to preserving and conserving archives that
contain the collective memoryand identity of the nation, in accordance to the
Article 34 verse (5) the Law Number 43 year 2009 about Archives, ANRI works
together with the archivescreatorto conduct efforts intended to protect and
safe archivesduring the catastrophe in national level. This effort was held in
collaboration with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB).
The archives preservation and conservation in disaster
sites that have been done by ANRI was thearchivesmanagement after the Tsunami
in Aceh in 2004. Subsequently, ANRI established the Center for Tsunami Archives
in Aceh in 2009. The center has function to manageand preserve archives, and
provide archival services in order to support the rehabilitation and
reconstruction process in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and Nias Island in North
Sumatera, and also manage other archives from the region under the
responsibility of the center. By using rescue car, ANRI conserved archives from
various catastrophes such as earthquake in Yogyakarta, flood in Bojonegoro,
Ponorogo, Situbondo,Sragen, Ngawi, Lamongan, and Pasuruan. On March 27, 2009,
ANRI conserved archives from the flash flood disaster hit South Tangerang due
to the collapse of the dam of Situ Gintung Lake.
In conserving archives from catastrophes, especially floods
and tsunami, ANRI used a vacuum freeze dry chamber to open the sticky archives.
Bunch of sticky archives could successfully be opened by using the chamber that
has already been belonged to ANRI since 2005.
Fourth, the archives preservation in a depot and it is done by considering the stability of temperature,
humidity, cleanliness that is suitable with the type of archives. In 1970s,
archives were preserved in three depots;
they were: Gajah MadaDepot for
archives from the 17th to 19th centuries, Bogor Depot
(now The Center for Archival Training and Education) for archives from the
early 20th century to 1945, and RagunanDepot (now ANRI office) for archives taken from 1945 and
afterwards. In 1987-1988, archives preserved in Gajah Madadepot were transferred to the storage in ANRI building in JalanAmpera
RayaNumber 7, Jakarta. Later, the archives preserved in Bogor Depot were
transferred to the storage in same building, in 2001-2002.
ANRI preserves many kinds of archives with different mediaboth
conventional and audiovisual. Totally, ANRI preserves archives from two major
periods: colonial period and republic period. The collection of archive
preserved in ANRI is as follows:
VOC and Colonial Archives(1610 – 1941)
In order to provide detail information about colonial archive
collections, the followings are collections preserved in ANRI. They are archives
from the pre-independent era of Indonesia:
Archivesof VereenigdeOost-IndischeCompagnie (VOC)
The archivesofVOC
generally contain with information about trading activities in Asia along the
commercial shipping lines from Deshima Island to the Cape of the Good Hope.
There are also archives about the relationship between VOC with the local
rulers in the region and most of the data about the Nusantara archipelago. This
collection has been recognized as the Memory of the World by United Nations Educational
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2004.
Archives ofDutch Colonial Government (1800–1811, 1817–1948)
These archives depictwide and detailed information anout the
activity of the Dutch colonial governemnt. Themain collections of these
archives are:
Gewestelijkestukkenorresidentiearchieven were archives from the residential offices. There are 46
regions represented in the collections; they are 28 regions in Java, 8 regions
in Sumatera, 2 regions in Kalimantan, 3 regions in Sulawesi, 3 regions in
Maluku, Bali-Lombok, and Timor. ResidentieArchievencontain with data until
the 19th century.Some of them were taken from the first decade of
the 20th century. The transfer of archives from residential offices
to Landsarchief in Batavia could not
successfully be completed due to technical reason and war,.
AlgemeeneSecretarie (1817–1942, 1944–1950) that contain with archives from
administrative activities in the central government secretariatthat assisted
the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies. These archives are rich of data
about policies taken by the central government completed with supporting
information derived from regions, including aspects about government, agrarian,
economy, industry, transportation, demography, tax and financial, local
governments, defense, military, and etc.
The archivestaken from the period of 1945-1950 contains with
archivesofNICA (Netherlands Indie Colonial Administration). Though the archives
were created by the same AlgemeeneSecretarie office, it used different
codes of recoredsrather than the previous period.
Departement van Binnenlands-Bestuur(1864–1944) are archives that containof
information about policies taken by Volksraad
(People Representative Council, 1918-1942), Regional councils, police,
budgeting, and agrarian.
Archives from the Period of British (British Interregnum) (1811-1816)
This collection contains with artifacts from the five years
colonization of Raffles in Java. It includes two main collections: proceedings
and collection with E.T. code on it, named EngelseTussenbestuur.
Collection of Archives from the Period of the Republic of
Indonesia (1945–present)
This collection is very unique in term of type of collection. It
contains not only of archive from institutions/governmental agencies, central
and local government, but also archive from private organizations and
individuals. There are textual archive such as JogjaDokumenten
1945-1949,Ministry of Defense 1946-1948, Konstituenta 1956-1960, Indonesian
Journalist Association (PersatuwanWartawan Indonesia) 1969-2001, Indonesian Veteran
Legion (Legiun Veteran Indonesia) of Lampung Province 1959-1983 and
Legislation Archives.
There are also
cartographic and architectural archive such as Peta Batas Wilayah Negara
(Map of State Border, Province, Cities/Regencies, Map of Indonesian Borderline
(Tepian Tanah Air Indonesia) and the Construction process of Istiqlal
Mosque (Pembangunan Masjid Istiqlal). There are also photographic archive
such as the Collection of Ministry of Information of North Sulawesi Province
1951-1963 and West Java Province 1950-1955. Meanwhile, the film archive
preserved in ANRI includes documentary movies about politics, presidential
activities, the national development process, state official guests, military,
religion, and the independency struggle 1945. In addition, there are also some
archive preserved in Microfiche Indonesia Imprints.
D. Archive
Archive preserved in ANRI can be accessed by public in
accordance to the prevailing law. The access to archive is available for the
purpose to utilize, use, and serve the public by considering the completeness,
safety, and security. The convenience in accessing archive is guaranteed by
ANRI. It is in accordance with one of the missions of ANRI – providing public
with access to archive for supporting governmental activities, development,
research, and science for the good of people in accordance to the prevailing
laws and common archival practices, and for the good of the nation.
According to the decree of the Director General of the
National Archive Number A6/1/2 year 1976 about the Organizational Structures
and Operating Procedures of the National Archive of the Republic of Indonesia,
providing access to archive is managed by the Department of Information
Service. Today, according to the decree of the Director General of the National
Archive Number 05 year 2010 about the Amendment of the Decree of the Director
General of the National Archive Number 03 year 2009 about Operating Procedures
and Organization of ANRI which was later amended by the decree of the Director
General of the National Archive Number 09 year 2009, providing public with
access to archive is the responsibility of the Directorate of Utilization,
under the Deputy of Archival Conservation.
In order to guarantee the convenience in accessing archive
for public, the Directorate of Utilization provides service for accessing
conventional and new medium archive, publishes the source of archival
manuscript, and prepares and conducts archival exhibitions. The archival
services are provided in reading room, and exhibitions are held in many
different venues both in central and local offices. Since its establishment,
the Directorate of Utilization has been organizing 58 exhibitions.
There were some sources of archival manuscripts that have
been published by ANRI such as Local Autonomy in the Dutch East Indies in
1903-1940, Flood in Batavia, the Bureau of Hajj in the Colonial Era of
Indonesia, and Border Agreement in the Republic of Indonesia volume I-IV. In
addition, as an effort to discover the collective memories of the nation and in
order to improve people understanding about their cultural values as a nation
and patriotism, ANRI, through its Sub-Directorate of Publication of Archival
Manuscript and Exhibition published Citra Daerah (Local Imaging). The
program of Citra Daerah has been running since 2003 and supported by the
decree of the Director General of the National Archive Number 01 year 2003
about Citra Daerah.
Citra Daerah is one of the efforts intended to discover the collective
memories of regions. By studying data and facts contained in archive, every
region is expected to gain accurate and objective information about their role
in developing people, nation, and state in the Republic of Indonesia. Materials
contained in Citra Daerah include textual archive, maps, and photographs
as a united form. Through Citra Daerah, the collective dynamic toward
the establishment of the nation and Indonesia is expected to provide real
description to people. In addition, Citra Daerah reflects participation
of regions in coloring the history of the nation from time to time. Until
today, ANRI has published 33 provincial Citra Daerah and 8 Citra
Daerah for Regencies/Cities.
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