Senin, 05 November 2012

Terjemahan Indonesia-Inggris Naskah Pidato


Your Excellency the Australian Ambassador for Indonesia.
With Respect, Director General of the National Archives of Australia and Director General of the Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia
The Officials, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.

First of all, I would like to praise the lord Allah SWT, the God Almighty, on His Wish we could all meet this morning in this delighted moment.
We deserve to be grateful that this is a friendship and meaningful agenda containing full of meanings gathered in archives cooperation.
In the name of the nation, Indonesian Government, Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia, and of course the communities of Indonesian Archives, I would like to express my grateful to the Australian Government who have been willing to make cooperation, and give attention to the development of conceptual archives and holistically from various aspects of its development. As a neighbor country, of course, we ought to mutually keep, respect and support through forms of cooperation connected with the constellation of relation globally, so that in turn it will be able to support the Indonesian Government in developing the field of archives nationally.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
From time to time the Indonesian Government has been continuously trying to improve the quality of archives organization in order to support the implementation of good governance. The role of archives which has a very basic function for the implementation of a government and life of a nation presented from the essence of the state existence of the Republic of Indonesia needs to be developed and improved in quality. In the framework of upgrading the quality of archives organization, then, Indonesia has an intention to build up a system which is conceptual and holistic that would be able to guarantee the fulfillment of archives function containing of information on how this nation and state was formed, filled, and survived. Objective information concerning the journey of the nation needs to be appreciated by all sides in order that the political framework and the system of government developed still present on the right line namely in the corridor of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
Regarding that relation, based on the spirit of partnership, parallelism, and of course historical stage that in the beginning of the independent of the Republic of Indonesia, the government of Australia had given its confession in the earliest stage, the Indonesian and Australian Government, through the archives institutions respectively, work out a closer cooperative program in the field of Archives which is beneficial to each other.
Each of us has certain specifications in the field of records and archives management. Australia, owns a concept concerning “record continuum”, which needs to be gathered in a reliable and accountable system. Indonesia, on the other hand, in practical records and archives management has combined management of records (record managers) and archives (archivists) as one unit that cannot be separated. From the point of view of human resources, Indonesia has archives personnel whose functions and tasks including management of records and archives, namely archivists. The archives concept in this matter has a similarity with the concept developed in the record continuum, namely information professions.
This condition constitutes a good potentiality that should be investigated in a research, fused, and developed into a record and archives management system (records keeping system/archives keeping system) which is conceptual, applicable, and accountable. Holistically, it is expected that the system built, in the future shall have positive role in increasing efficiency and effectiveness of records and archives management. Therefore, in turn archives constitute accountability evidence of apparatus performances, legal evidence in authentic, accountable and creditable court regarding the implementation of good governance which is free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
 Technology development that moves in advance rapidly has brought the effect which is very significant in the implementation of the state and nation in a row with the demands on the development of reformation bureaucracy in government marked by public accountability, transparency in the state implementation, easiness of having public services and public access toward information, force us to the thought and professionalism that creates the method of records and archives management based on information and communication technology without having put aside principles or rules of records and archives management. If it is worked well and professional, in recognizing the details of every characteristic of the existing organization government, it will not reclusive of the possibility that record keeping/archives keeping system which we build together shall be able to become a reference for many archives institutions in the world.
Finally, with the awareness that this cooperation is based on the needs and friendship between the two governments, this cooperation can motivate for the archives institutions respectively, to always share and work together as a united part gathered by a cooperation and friendship of the two nations. Through this archives cooperation, is also, expected to become a preliminary program for the Australian Government in order to be more “Asia” since geographically, Australia is close to Asia.
Thank You.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb                                                                    Jakarta, 22 Februari 2007

           Taufiq effendi

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