Undang-undang Republik Indonesia
Nomor 1 Tahun 1974
Law of the Republic of
Number 1 of Year 1974
On Marriage
Bagian Ketiga
Perkawinan Campuran
Pasal 57
Yang dimaksud dengan perkawinan
campuran dalam Undang-undang ini ialah perkawinan antara dua orang yang di
Indonesia tunduk pada hukum yang berlainan, karena perbedaan kewarga-negaraan
dan salah satu pihak berkewarganegaraan Indonesia.
Part Three Mixed
Article 57
The definition of mixed marriages in this
Law is a marriage between two people
in Indonesia are subject to different laws, because
of differences in nationality
and one of the party is Indonesian nationality.
Pasal 58
Bagi orang-orang yang berlainan kewarganegaraan yang melakukan
perkawinan campuran, dapat memperoleh kewarganegaraan dari suami/istrinya dan
dapat pula kehilangan kewarganegaraannya, menurut cara-cara yang telah
ditentukan dalam Undang-undang Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia yang
Article 58
For people of
different nationalities perform
mixed marriages, can obtain citizenship of his / her spouse and can
also lose their
citizenship, in a manner specified
in the prevailing Indonesian Law on Citizenship.
Pasal 59
(1) Kewarganegaraan yang diperoleh sebagai akibat perkawinan
atau putusnya perkawinan menentukan hukum yang berlaku, baik mengenai hukum
publik maupun hukum perdata.
(2) Perkawinan campuran yang dilangsungkan di Indonesia
dilakukan menurut Undang-undang perkawinan ini.
Article 59
Citizenship can be obtained as a result of marriage or marriage breakdown
determines the applicable law,
whether the public law or civil law.
(2) Mixed marriages that take place in
Indonesia is carried in accordance with this Marriage Law
Pasal 60
(1) Perkawinan
campuran tidak dapat dilaksanakan sebelum terbukti bahwa syarat-syarat
perkawinan yang ditentukan oleh pihak masing-masing telah dipenuhi.
(2) Untuk membuktikan bahwa syarat-syarat tersebut dalam ayat
(1) telah dipenuhi dan karena itu tidak ada rintangan untuk melangsungkan
perkawinan campuran maka oleh mereka yang menurut hukum yang berlaku bagi
pihak masing-masing berwenang mencatat perkawinan, diberikan surat keterangan
bahwa syarat-syarat telah dipenuhi.
(3) Jika pejabat yang bersangkutan menolak untuk memberikan
surat keterangan itu, maka atas permintaan yang berkepentingan, Pengadilan
memberikan keputusan dengan tidak beracara serta tidak boleh dimintakan
banding lagi tentang soal apakah penolakan pemberian surat keterangan itu
beralasan atau tidak.
(4) Jika Pengadilan memutuskan bahwa penolakan tidak beralasan,
maka keputusan itu menjadi pengganti keterangan tersebut ayat (3).
(5) Surat keterangan atau keputusan pengganti keterangan tidak
mempunyai kekuatan lagi jika perkawinan itu tidak dilangsungkan dalam masa 6
(enam) bulan sesudah keterangan itu diberikan.
Article 60
(1) Mixed marriages cannot be performed before it is evident that the terms of the marriage as determined by each of the parties has been fulfilled.
(2) To prove that the conditions mentioned in section (1)
have been fulfilled and therefore there is no obstacle to establish a mixed
marriage then by those who according to the prevailing law for each party
is authorized to register the
marriages, shall be issued an affidavi
that the requirements have been fulfilled.
(3) If the marriage registrar refuses to give the affidavi, then at the
request of an interested party, the Court shall give a
decision with no litigation and may
not be appealed again on the matter of whether
the denial of a certificate
is reasonable or
(4) If the court decides that
the refusal is not justified, then the
decision becomes a substitute
for the description of section (3).
(5) The certificate or decision is not a substitute
decision that has the power again if the marriage
does not take place in the period of 6 (six)
months after the information was given.
Pasal 61
(1) Perkawinan campuran dicatat oleh pegawai pencatat yang berwenang.
(2) Barang siapa yang melangsungkan perkawinan campuran tampa
memperlihatkan lebih dahulu kepada pegawai pencatat yang berwenang surat
keterangan atau keputusan pengganti keterangan yang disebut pasal 60 ayat (4)
Undang-undang ini dihukum dengan hukuman kurungan selama-lamanya 1(satu)
(3) Pegawai pencatat perkawinan yang mencatat perkawinan
sedangkan ia mengetaui bahwa keterangan atau keputusan pengganti keterangan
tidak ada, dihukum dengan hukuman kurungan selama-lamanya 3 (tiga) bulan dan
dihukum jabatan.
Article 61
(1) Mixed marriages shall be recorded by authorized marriage registrar.
(2) He/she who hold mixed marriages without
showing prior to
the authorized marriage registrar a surrogate decision
statement or description of the so-called Article 60 section (4) of
this Law shall be sentenced by detention for maximum 1
(one) month.
(3) The marriage registrar who recorded the marriage while he knew that there is no statement or substitute decision, shall be sanctioned with
imprisonment for maximum 3 (three) months
and administrative
Pasal 62
Dalam perkawinan campuran kedudukan anak diatur sesuai dengan
Pasal 59 ayat (1) Undang-undang ini.
Pasal 62
In the position
of children of mixed marriages
are set forth in accordance with Article 59
section (1) of this Law.
Dual Citizenship
Sesuai dengan UU No. 12
tahun 2006 tentang Kewarganegaraan, bagi anak yang dilahirkan pada dan
setelah 1 Agustus 2006 dari pasangan WNI atau salah satu orang tuanya
adalah WNI maka dapat mengajukan kewarganegaraan ganda terbatas dengan
ketentuan sebagai berikut:
In accordance with the Law. 12
of 2006 on Citizenship, for children who were born on or after August 1, 2006 from Indonesian citizen spouse or one of
his parents is Indonesian citizen can apply for dual citizenship that is limited to the following provisions:
1. The Child who is born of the
legal marriage of a father who is Indonesian Citizen and a
mother who is a foreign citizen;
The child who is born of the legal marriage
of a father who is a foreign citizen and a mother who is Indonesian citizen;
3. the child who is born
outside of wedlock to a mother who is foreign citizen and is acknowledged by
a father who is an Indonesian
Citizen and the acknowledgement is done before the child
reaches the aged of 18 (eighteen) years or
4. the child who is born
outside the territory of the Republic
of Indonesia from a mother and
a father of Indonesian Citizen (WNI), which is due to the
provisions of the Country where
the child is born gives citizenship
to the child;
5. the Child of Indonesian Citizen who was born outside of a legitimate marriage,
before the age of 18 (eighteen)
years old and unmarried,
is legally recognized by the father of foreigner;
6. the Child of Indonesian Citizen who is not yet in the age
of 5 (five) years old, legally
appointed as a child by foreign citizens in the decision by the Court Order (Court
Setelah 18 tahun
dan/atau telah menikah, anak tersebut harus mulai memilih kewarganegaraannya
dan diberikan kesempatan 3 tahun untuk menentukan pilihan.
After reaching the age of
18 years old and
/ or have been
married, the child must begin to choose
his/her citizenship and shall be given the chance 3
years to choose
Blog ini berisi curhatan, catatan, hasil karya terjemahan, hasil penelitian seorang Rini Rusyeni sebagai perwujudan ekspresi perasaan, sukacita, kegalauan dan karya. Terima jasa penerjemahan bahasa Inggris-Indonesia dan Indonesia-Inggris. Further info pls Email rinirusyeni80@gmail.com
Senin, 23 Mei 2016
Sample of Free Translation Undang-Undang No.1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan (Indonesia to English)
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