Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

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Amanat untuk Bangsa Indonesia
Hukum dan Moral
Seorang Penulis berkata: “Mempelajari sejarah adalah omong kosong, “history is a bunk”, katanya. Penulis ini tidak benar.
Sejarah adalah berguna sekali. Dari mempelajari sejarah orang bisa menemukan hukum-hukum yang menguasai kehidupan manusia. Salah satu hukum itu ialah: bahwa tidak ada bbangsa bisa menjadi besar dan makmur zonder kerja. Terbukti dalam sejarah segala zaman, bahwa kebesaran bangsa dan kemakmuran tidak pernah jatuh gratis dari langit. Kebesaran bangsa dan kemakmuran selalu “kristalisasi” keringat. Ini adalah hukum, yang kita temukan dari mempelajari sejarah.
Bangsa Indonesia, tariklah moral dari hukum ini!

Pada hari Ulang Tahun Proklamasi ke-VI

Mandate for the Indonesians
Rule and Moral Value

A writer said: “to learn history is baloney, “history is a bunk”, he said. The writer was not correct.
History is enormously useful. We can uncover rule that formerly dominated humans’ life by learning history. One of the rules is that: there are no nations could grow bigger and become prosperous without efforts. It has been proven from ages, that wealth and prosperity of a nation has never come at any cost from the sky. They are always “crystallizations” of every assault. It is the rule, which is obtained from gaining knowledge of a history.
Indonesians, grab the moral value from this rule!
On the sixth Birthday of Proclamation                                  

Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

antara sakit Maag dan sesak napas

Maag atau radang lambung atau tukak lambung adalah gejala penyakit yang menyerang lambung dikarenakan terjadi luka atau peradangan pada lambung yang menyebabkan sakit, mulas , dan perih pada perut

sedangkan Sesak nafas (Dyspnea) merupakan penyakit yang datangnya secara tiba tiba atau ga jelas gejalanya, dan banyak jenis-jenisnya dan juga sumber penyakitnya tapi kebanyakan berasal dari saluran pernapasan yg menyempit atau penyempitan pada pipa
bronkial (pembuluh tenggorokan)

jadi sangat kecil kemungkinan ada hubungan'a pernapasan dengan lambung, tpi yang pasti saat kita sulit untuk bernapas maka paru2 kita sulit untuk memasok oksigen yg mungkin akan mengagnggu pencernaan pada lambung kita karena setiap jaringan dan struktur tubuh kita memerlukan oksigen
jadi wajar aja kalo sakit maag yang parah akan mengganggu pernapasan. Rasa berat, sesak, dada seperti berat, tenggorokan sakit itu berasal dari sakit Maag.
Sumber: berbagai sumber

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Belajar Menerjemahkan Siaran Pers

Siaran Pers: Ekonomi Indonesia Masuk Kategori Efficiency Driven
Press Release: Indonesian Economy Entering Driven Stage

Saat ini Indonesia sudah masuk dalam Stage 2 Development Global, dengan Efficiency Driven. “Artinya, perekonomian Indonesia sudah di-drive oleh efisiensi dari penggunaan berbagai faktor produksi,” ungkap Menteri PPN/Kepala Bappenas Prof. Dr. Armida S. Alisjahbana, SE, MA kepada sejumlah wartawan, Selasa (18/9) di ruang tamu menteri. Dijelaskan Armida, bahwa stage development global itu ada tiga stage. Pertama, stage 1 yang disebut Factor Driven. Kedua, stage 2, Efficiency Driven. Ketiga, stage 3, Innovation Driven, yang diisi oleh negara maju.
Currently, Indonesia has entered 2nd stage of Global Development, which is Efficiency Driven Stage. "it means, the Indonesian economy is already driven by the efficiency in various production," said Minister of PPN/ Head of National Development Planning Board Prof. Dr. Armida S. Alisjahbana, SE, MA to a number of reporters, Tuesday (18/9) in her office. Armida explained that there are three stages in the global development stages. Stage 1 is Factor Driven. Stage 2 is Efficiency Driven. Stage 3 is Driven Innovation, which is dominated by developed countries.

Masuknya Indonesia dalam stage 2, Efficiency Driven, karena Indonesia berdasarkan The Global Competitiveness Index, (GCI) tahun 2012-2013 Indonesia berada di rank 50 dengan score 4.4. Peringkat ini mengalami penurunan dibanding GCI 2011-2012 yang berada di rank 46 dan GCI tahun 2010-2011 di rank 44. “Meskipun ada penurunan rank dari tahun sebelumnya, tapi scorenya sama. Ini berarti secara keseluruhan daya saing relatif tetap, hanya saja ada pergeseran di berbagai komponen,” jelas Ibu Armida.
Indonesia is entering 2nd stage, namely, efficiency driven because according to the Global Competitiveness Index (CGI) year 2012-2013, Indonesia is at rank 50 with a score 4.4. Although the rank has been dropped, comparing to GCI year 2011-2012, that Indonesia was at rank 46 and CGI year 2010-2011 was at rank 44, the score is still the same. This means that overall competitiveness is relatively steady. There have been only some changes in various components, explained Arnida.

contoh terjemahan pidato Presiden


Honourable Speaker, Vice Speakers, and Members of the House of Representatives, Distinguished Guests, and My beloved fellow countrymen all over Indonesia,
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Praised to God, today, we are again welcoming the anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day, which we will commemorate tomorrow on 17th August 2000. The state convention that we have kept over the years in which the President delivers a state address before the Plenary Session of the House of Representatives is a commendable practice. Together We can use this opportunity to reflect on the journey as a nation. Tomorrow, our Independence Day will reach its fifty-fifth year. But the age of Indonesian nationalism is much older than this.
The Indonesian nationalism was born and went through a process of maturity in this archipelago long before the independence was proclaimed. Nationalism was born and since the rise of existential awareness of our predecessors to establish a political community which fundamentally resisted the presence of other nations which colonialized the land and the people of Indonesia. Such a process of profound (pemahaman) understanding was continually spreading and growing shaped our collective consciousness as a nation. This proves that our nationalism is not something naturally formed and born, but socially and intellectually developed by the society at a certain phase in history.
The founding fathers of this republic agreed to lay the foundations of the bonds of Indonesian nationalism on common destiny and goals. The similarity of fate has created a strong emotional and moral bond which we can call national fraternity. By holding the same goals, solidarity forms a strong base to reach improvement, building a country, forming a government, and enforcing the law and improving life in various fields.

Source: Setneg