Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Terjemahan buku 41 tahun Arsip Nasional RI

Bab 7
ANRI Serves the Public

one of the goals of the bureaucratic reform is improving the quality of public services.  As one of the government institutions that assume responsibility in managing national archives, ANRI supports the attainment of the goal.  It is in accordance with the Article 64 paragraph (4) of the Law Number 43 Year 2009 which determined that ANRI provides appropriate services to the norms, standards, and criteria. As it was mandated by the law, ANRI also provides facilities for accessing data and information. Implementation of the mandate is also one the missions of ANRI – providing public with access for supporting government, development, research, and sciences in order to improve the prosperity of people and in accordance with the prevailing laws and norms, and for the national security. 

Archival Services, the Center for Training and Archival Education, Records Commercial Services, the Diorama of the History of the Nation, and public information are provided by ANRI. Archival services are one of the main tasks of an archival institution. In 1994, Along with the development in the organization, ANRI established the Technical Working Unit (UPT) for Archives Management and Technical Archival Services. For introducing archives to people, ANRI established the Diorama of the History the Nation which was officially opened by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on August 31, 2009. By 2010, in respond to the promulgation of the law in Public Information Transparency, ANRI established Government Chief Information Officer (G-CIO) to give public service.  

A. Archival Services

 Archival services had gone through a very long historical journey, conducted by ANRI. At least, it was started from the promulgation of the Law Number 7 year 1971 concerning Basic Provisions of Archives.  The services conducted in the Archives Building on Jalan Gajah Mada 111, West Jakarta.  Since 1976, the service was moved to the new ANRI Building on Jalan Ampera Raya 7, South Jakarta.

      In 2006, the working unit that had nomenclature from the Sub-Directorate of Public Services was under the Directorate of Public Program and previously under the Center for Archival Services.  The sub-Directorate had responsibility in providing services for archives and library. 
Researchers from many different backgrounds both from domestic and overseas took benefit from the library and reading room. The number of visitors who visit the reading room since 2006 is available in table 8.1.
In 2010, there were about 21,183 visitors coming to the service unit.  They accessed many kinds of archives such as collection of Algemeene Secretarie, Binenlands Bestuur, Hoge Regering and Gewestwlijke Stukken.  They also accessed archives collection from the beginning era of the Republic of Indonesia which consisted of archives from governmental institutions such as Algemeene Secretarie, State Secretary, President Cabinet, Indonesia Delegations, Djogja Documenten, Prime Minister Cabinet, and The United Republic of Indonesia Cabinets, ministerial archives (Minister of Information, Police, and Minister of Finance), and individual archives (Roeslan Abdulgani, Djamal Marsudi, Muhammad Yamin, and President speeches).  Furthermore, there were also many other archives accessed by visitors such as archives maps included the collection of De Haan and Indonesian Cartography.  Audiovisual archives were also accessed included films (from the State Film Production Centre/PPFN) and Reijks Inrichting Dients, photographs collection by Koninklijk Instituut van Troopen (KIT), and the Ministry of Information, microfilms included Fiche Genealogy, the portal of Algemeene Secretarie Index Folio, and the portal of Algemeene Secretarie Klapper. 

ANRI keeps improving itself to present services to publics for the accomplishment of national archives management. One of the efforts conducted was submitting a certification proposal for ISO 9001:2008 in Quality Assurance System. The followings steps are taken in order to have the ISO 9001:2008:
a.   Introduction included training on concepts, documentation, implementation, and requirements of ISO 9001;  
b.  Planning through current situation analysis/understanding the ISO, evaluation on organizational preparation, development of documentation on quality assurance system, and establishment of ISO 9001 team;
c.   Implementation of training on documentation, monitoring on the implementation of the quality assurance system, assessment and refinement on the quality; and
d.  Evaluation on training, internal audit of quality, implementation of refinement and prevention of problems, managerial outlook, and refinement on the system for developing the quality assurance.  

There are 13 archives collection applying ISO 9001:2008, as follows:
a.   Hooge Regering;
b.  Surakarta;
c.   Yogyakarta;
d.  Koninklijk Bataviasch Genootschap;
e.  Museum Sono Budoyo (Java Instituut);
f.   Roeslan Abdul Gani;
g.   Mohammad Bondan;
h.  Muhammad Yamin;
i.    De Haan Cartography;
j.    microfilms Algemeene Secretarie (Index Folio, and Klapper Bogor, Index Folio, and Klapper Gajah Mada);
k.   Films from the PPFN and documentary series;
l.    Photographs from Koninklijk Instituut van Troopen;
m. personal photographs

B.  The Centre for Education and Archival Training

Although the Center for Education and Archival Training had become part of ANRI since 1974, it was in 2003, ANRI finally established its own Center for Education and Archival Training.
The professional human resources development conducted at ANRI’s Center for Education and Archival Training involved many kind of programs such as training and education on archivists, technical training on archives, training of Trainer for archivists in village areas, training on records management, training on archives schedule, and training on archives management (for the heads of archival institutions and its archival unit). They also organized trainings on archives management, archives management in universities, archivist assessors, archival supervision, archival human resources certification, the application of SIKN (the Indonesian Archival Commercial Services) and JIKN (the Indonesian Archival Information Network), technology-based archives management, vital archives management, and training on archival information services. In addition to organizing integrated trainings that involved instructors from internal organization, ANRI also organized several trainings that involved instructors from other countries such as from Singapore, Australia, and Netherlands. Furthermore, ANRI has also organized long distance training for upgrading functional positions in 2005.
In 2009, the Center for Education and Archival Training had successfully been awarded an accreditation status from the National Institute for Public Administration (LAN). This accreditation status determined the acknowledgement of this institution in providing functional trainings for semi professional and professional archivists – the accreditation status was B. In 2011, the Center received accreditation certificate from LAN with B status meaning that the center was capable to organize training on archives management; developing records schedule (JRA), archival assessors, archives and records centre, and vital records.

C. The Center for Records Commercial Services

The long history of the Center for Records Commercial Services was begun in October 11, 1993 when the President issued a decree Number 92 year 1993 concerning Status, Tasks, Functions, Organizational Structures, and Standard Procedures for the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia. The decree was followed up by the decree of the Director General of ANRI Number OT.00/390/36/1994 concerning Organizational Structure and Standard Procedures of ANRI. The Center has direct responsibility to the Deputy Director General for Archives Development since 2003. It has functions in developing archival programs under the coordination of the Director General of ANRI through the Secretary General. 
The center for records commercial services is a working unit that has responsibility in managing non-taxes state revenues with the following tasks:  (a) archival management; (b) development of archival manuals; (c) archival automotive; (d) archives preservation and conservation, media transformation, and archives reproduction.
The Center has involved in providing assistance to many companies both private and public in the following areas: archival management, arrangement, preservation, development of archival classification, development of record schedule, digitalization of archives, and development of application for record schedule. 

D. The Diorama of History of the Nation

The Appreciation of a nation towards archives is a depiction of high cultural and historical values. The attention on the important role of archives needs to be embodied in a form of records the collective memories of a nation and a national responsibility.
The Diorama ofa History of the Nation (SPB) is a breakthrough process of the dynamic of the nation from time to time. It is a combination of archives, art, and technology. The idea of developing the diorama was to improve the role of archives in enhancing the patriotism and unity of the nation and to bind the nation. 

Actually, the introduction of archives to people in an interesting and understandable way is done through the transformation of archives into an art work with technology. The diorama is useful and gives benefits to students, college students, and publics. 
The diorama was built in a land of 750 m2 depicts a glorious moment of the nation in the past until the reformation era. The plot showed in the diorama is culminated by a reflection theatre as an embodiment of nation spirit.
 The visitors of the diorama come from many different backgrounds, as soon as being officially opened by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on March 31, 2009. Our records indicate some of the testimonies given by the visitors as follows: 
Positive remarks stated by visitors such as: an elementary student from SD Negeri 02 Pela Mampang Jakarta, Febriza Yuversal, who wrote her impression about the diorama: “Very nice, I would love to come again with friends from school. The room is neat and cold.” Two vistors, Ravshan Khodjaev from Tashkent, Uzbekitan said, “It was very interesting and informative.” The same impression was said by Namator Muzafar, a friend of Khodjaev, “It was very important.”
Schoolteachers also appreciate it, Agus Tri, a teacher from Al-Fityan Elementary School states. “Very good in concept and very effective for learning Social Sciences.” Suparmi S.Pd also agreed by saying “Good, interesting, very useful. We can learn the history of the Republic of Indonesia from the diorama, and hope it can support us in studying the knowledge. We hope all the best for the National Archives. See you for the next visits.”
An archivist from Netherlands, Charles Juergens from Leiden, also took advantage of the diorama by saying, “very interesting to see the history of the country and nation through the eyes of an archivist and archival documents, Prima..!!”. The same compliment was also said by Togo from Strada Elementary who said, “Good Job Team!! The most modern museum in Indonesia.”
The Coordinating Ministry of People Welfare, H.Agung Laksono, said: “Congratulations on the success in developing the Archives Building.  Hopefully, it could provide spirit for the success of the national development.” The same testimony was also said by E.E. Mangindaan, the former Minister of Administrative Reform, “Keep up the good work in discovering the history of the nation. PROUD TO BE INDONESIAN = A STRUGGLING PEOPLE”.
Politicians from the parliament also told their testimonies. A legislator, Mahfuz Sidik, said that: “Very interesting. A very interesting medium of historical education.”  Another legislative member, Miryam S. Haryani, said, “it needs more appropriate facilities and infrastructures.”  The same opinion was also said by a student from SMPN 3 South Tangerang, Ninday Anggraeni, “Very interesting. Advanced technology, but the room is too small.”
Although some still view that the diorama needs better facilities, Regi Muhammad A from Bogor has different view, “Very good. I love Soekarno reading the text. Mmm, please put more people from the house of representative, the original statues of them.”  A student from Nurul Iman Elementary, Depok, N.I. Naufal, said, “Very good. The film is not too clear/detail. I would love to come again with friends. Wait me.”
According to a professor of Gajah Mada University, Dr. Djoko Suryo, the diorama is meaningful and quite good. That was why; “Keep it and preserve the historical document for education people and our Indonesia, for the future generation. Very good.” A student from Binus University, Selly Angela, said, “Thank you. There is love in it.” 
Those testimonies indicate the appreciation of people to one of the public services provided by ANRI.  People can feel the touch of ANRI and it draws near ANRI to them.

E.  Information and Document Services        

The spirit of openness information has encouraged the promulgation of the Law Number 14 year 2008 about the Public Information Transparency which was implemented two years later after its promulgation. In respond of the promulgation of the Law, ANRI, as one of public institutions formed Government Chief Information Officer (G-CIO). It is based on the decree of the Director General of ANRI Number HK.01/141/2010 concerning the Organization of Information Management and Documents in ANRI and the decree of the Director General of ANRI Number 11 year 2011 on Mechanism in Public Information Management in ANRI. 
G-CIO ANRI is part of Bureau of Planning in the technical service under the Public Relation division.  G-CIO ANRI has 4 staffs: 2 archivist and 2 computer staffs.  There are many non-government organizations and government institution submitted a proposal for accessing public information through PPID.   They were as follows: NGO Seknas Fitra, Sarvodaya, the Police Dept. of Jakarta, and Lempara, Bank of Indonesia, the Secretariat of Palu city, and the secretariat of South Sulawesi province.
In order to improve the quality of public services, in 2011, ANRI developed a plan to establish the Government Chief Information Officer (G-CIO) equipped with a website that can be accesses via internet. 

F.  Award in Public Services

ANRI has been receiving awards in public services such as the Anugerah Media Humas Award (Public Relations Media Award) and Archival Service Award.  The improvement program in archival services had been awarded Abdisatyabakti award in 1996 and Citra Pelayanan Prima Award (Prima service award) in 2008 from the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment
      In 2007, ANRI won the First Winner in the Public Relation Media Award from the Coordinating Agency of Public Relations. ANRI won in three categories: first winner in the category of merchandise, website, and calendar.  First winner in the category of calendar was regain in 2008, and first winner in the category of merchandise in 2011.

Mata-mata dan memata-matai

Ternyata selama ini celotehan ku dimata-matai oleh seseorang yang memang sangat membenci dan ingin menjatuhkanku. aku sendiri sebenarnya heran..kenapa dia suruh baca tentang tulisanku yang berjudul "celotehan rini rusyeni". Apakah dalam tulisan itu aku menyindir orang tersebut?? apakah aku menjelekkan dan secara langsung menuduh seseorang karena melakukan perbuatan jelek,buruk, dan tidak menyenangkan?? hmmm...bingung juga sih sebenarnya maksudnya apa ya membroadcast tulisanku. Jujur aku sih seneng-seneng aja biar orang-orang  tau blog ini dan tau deh bahwa aku sebenarnya juga seorang penerjemah loh...hehehehe...hasil karyaku banyak juga loh...hehehehe....

Cemas, takut, galau...ahhhh engga lah yauu...ngapain??? rugiii...biar aja dia yang iseng cari-cari masalah yang penting aku ga buat masalah baru. seperti kata bahasa gaul orang betawi "Emang Gue Pikirin...!!!
Trus kalo orang itu baca lagi tulisan yang baru ini..?? Monggo dibaca...wong siapa aja bisa koq baca blog ini gak ada rahasia apa-apa.

Tau CV aku..?? ndak apa-apa silahkan aja dibaca dicopy boleh, wong aku pajang di blog biar orang-orang tau bahwa aku adalah penerjemah dan PNS koq. Apakah itu salah???? Apakah dengan menunjukkan CV aku jadi menghina orang lain?? Memfitnah?? silahkan deh ambil kesimpulan sendiri.
Aku buat blog ini buat latihan menulis dengan tujuan orang-orang lihat hasil tulisanku dan menilai deh bagus atau enggak tulisannya. kalo memang masih jelek berarti aku masih harur banyak belajar. Kalo bagus ya alhamdulilah moga-moga bisa banyak menghasilkan karya lain yang oke hehehehe.

Ternyata yahh...kita tidak bisa menilai seseorang dari penampilan dan pendidikan seseorang. Semua itu terpulang pada diri pribadi sosok individunya. Tinggal peer nih buat aku untuk lebih hati-hati dalam mempercayai seseorang yang baru aku kenal. Jangan sampai kejadian lagi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan seperti kemarin.
Sebenarnya udah lelah rasanya terus menerus diganggu....walau ada juga terbersit rasa heran koq orang itu sampai cari-cari blog aku yah?? untuk apa coba? menjatuhkan aku? memfitnah? mencari-cari kelemahan?? mengumpulkan bukti?

Terserah deh......serahin aja semua sama Allah SWT...sabar...dan sabar....Insya Allah sabar akan berbuah manis. Itu Janji Allah SWT kepada umatnya yang Shaleh dan Sholihah.

Percaya suatu saat Allah akan membalas semua kepahitan dengan keindahan....Amiin.